While working with static website, you are to simply open your files i.e. html files into web browser like firefox etc. Web browser is credited with the capability of reading html formats of code. A web browser is unable to understand code written in PHP, however it has the instructions to direct these PHP scripts to a web server that in response return the web browser an HTML page. Before uploading your PHP files to a real web server on the internet, how can you view your PHP files result on your own computer. The solution is very clear, you'll need a temporary web server on your computer.
Have you ever build website with HTML,CSS and even JavaScript?. You'd have experienced the uploading of files of your website i.e. web pages to a certain location. It might be a web hosting service your have paid for. When you upload the files, another program called 'web server' is capable of finding these files and serve their copies as and when requested by a web browser like IE or firefox.
Commonly used web servers that you may have heard of are Apache HTTP Server
(Apache) and Internet Information Services (IIS). As you know that PHP is a server-side scripting language. We can best describe it as a plugin for your web server that enables it to serve more beyond sending same copies of the files that web browsers demand .
(Apache) and Internet Information Services (IIS). As you know that PHP is a server-side scripting language. We can best describe it as a plugin for your web server that enables it to serve more beyond sending same copies of the files that web browsers demand .
Good thing about installation of PHP is that, your web server will be able to run php scripts that can get information from database and generate html pages prior to serving the web browser that demand them.
To enable PHP scripts retrieve information from a database there must be a database to go side by side with PHP. That’ s where we need MySQL . So far as MySQL is concerned, its a relational database management system, or RDBMS.